Brian Drummond
Sep 1, 2024
Summertime is coming to an end and the kiddos are heading back to school. Lots of great events are upcoming this fall.
We welcome Jessica to our group and please share the invitation below with others to encourage them to join
-In less than 2 weeks is our upcoming AZHPCA Summit! Please register and share the attached flyer with your networks. We are focusing on advocacy and elections as this fall has some key voter options relating to climate health topics.
-We have a new Voting Green section on the website. Please check it out and share with friends and family regarding the upcoming elections this fall.
-Check out our AZHPCA LinkedIn Presence Vivian is doing a great job with this.
-We continue engagement with:
-The State's Chief Heat Officer of Arizona Eugene Livar on heat mitigation and medication education.
-Ken Clark, Arizona's rep for the Energy Foundation and other health professionals and they were able to secure funding to have https://www.mtnmamas.org/ help with messaging and offloading some workload of each organization
-Joined https://www.fossilfree4health.org/ who is working on a media campaign linking health effects with oil and gas consumption to try and decrease this consumption
-Sierra Club, Poder Latinx and EDF supporting their events and lending a health professional's voice- Thanks Vivian!
-American Lung Association on air quality projects
-Northern Arizona Healthcare to sign the White House Pledge on Climate and Health- Great work Nico!
-Banner Medical Center creating a Sustainability Committee and having them fund Practice Greenhealth consulting to establish better utilization for the hospital system.- Thank you Yvonne!
-Met with Mi Familia en Accion to work on voter engagement
-Lots going on and if you are interested in being a part of any of it please reach out and we will get you connected.
Education information:
Climate & Health Documentary: Infected Earth
Hawaii-based ER doc and climate advocate Darragh O’Carroll has produced a new PBS documentary about climate change and health titled Infected Earth. Health professionals can use this documentary to educate themselves, their patients, and their community about the health impacts of climate change, specifically heat illness and bushfires/wildfires.
Watch the debate for Arizona Corporation Commission
Eight candidates are vying for three seats on the Arizona Corporation Commission. They'll face off in a debate on Tuesday, Sept 3. Watch the debate live here starting at 6 p.m.
Arizona isn't a solar leader. This advocate explains why
Arizona has long been seen as a potential leader in solar energy. But data show the state is lagging behind some other states, in terms of the rate of homeowners putting solar panels on their roofs. Advocates are asking utility regulators to avoid policies that make it less economically advantageous for potential customers to go solar, but my next guest is concerned about the future.
Mesa making strides on climate action plan
Mesa has taken concrete steps toward becoming more eco-friendly, such as purchasing 71 electric work trucks, installing LED lighting at the Red Mountain Baseball Complex and planting 2,400 shade trees. The Mesa Climate Action Plan aims to achieve carbon neutrality, divert 90% of the city’ waste from the landfill and achieve 100% renewable energy – all by 2050.
Prescott eNews
How a warming Arctic is accelerating global climate change – Northern Arizona University
Three recent papers authored by Ted Schuur, Regents’ professor of biological sciences at Northern Arizona University, and other researchers around the world, organized through the Permafrost Carbon Network, investigate the biological processes taking place in the warming Arctic tundra and provide insight into what we can expect from that region as the climate continues to change.
Heat Resiliency:
-This is a great program for our patients who are without cooling sources or broken HVAC.
This fall, Arizona will fully launch the remainder of its HEAR program, offering rebates of up to $14,000 to help lower- and middle-income homeowners and renters upgrade their equipment and appliances. The program will cover up to 100% of costs for lower-income families and up to 50% for moderate-income families (those earning between 80-150% of their area median income).
-Here is link for more information and toolkit to share
Phase 1_Home Energy Rebates Toolkit Rollout of “Efficiency Arizona” Toolkit (Phase 1 of the Home Energy Rebates) (Skip straight to…⬇) Background Talking Points FAQs Sample Social Media Posts Sample Press Release BACKGROUND Arizona is rolling out its first Home Energy Rebates program thanks to investments from the Biden-Harris ad... |
Upcoming AZHPCA Activities:
AZHPCA Steering Committee (at 1200pm):
Nov 12, 2024
Jan 8, 2025
Mar 5, 2025
May 7, 2025
July 2, 2025
Sept 3, 2025
Nov 5, 2025
AZHPCA Sustainability Committee Meetings (at 1200pm):
Sept 11, 2024
Dec 11, 2024
Mar 12, 2025
June 11, 2025
Sept 10, 2025
Dec 10, 2025
AZHPCA Summit 12-1400 Sept 10th
-Keynote Speaker will Edward Maibach
Will chat soon and share the invite to join AZPHCA with anyone who is interested.
Thanks so much for your interest and passion.
Brian Drummond
Send this link to others to Join